Lancaster BNCweb Server Usernames
Home :: Register
To register, please fill all fields below. Move your mouse over the blue question marks to display further details about the required format of the input.
After registration, you will receive an email with a confirmation of your input. Your password will be saved in unencrypted format on our server - so it is advisable not to enter any password that you use for access to sensitive data (e.g. email).

Please note that it may not be possible to sign up with a Yahoo email-address as the confirmation mail that is sent out by the BNCweb server is classified as junk and therefore automatically deleted.

First Name: [?]
Last Name: [?]
Institution: [?]
Email: [?]
Username: [?]
Password: [?]
Confirm Password: [?]
  BNCweb passwords are NOT SECURE.
So do NOT reuse a password that you use on any other site!!
Powered by Deadlock User Management System